Monday, June 23, 2008

Almost a month in her helmet!

Leah is growing up so fast!! She was 5 months old on June 17th. She rolls a lot and manages to scoot fairly well. In no time, it seems she will be "moving." We are not ready for that!

She still doesn't seem to mind her helmet. During bathtime she grabs at the water. Today she discovered her feet for the first time! She was waking up a lot at night a couple weeks ago, and I finally realized maybe it was time to start solids. Leah started with organic rice cereal June 4th. A few days later she had her first fruit...bananas. She liked the bananas a lot better than the rice cereal. Since then she's also had pears, sweet potatoes and apples. I've made some of her food, but we are also giving her Gerber organic. She is now eating 2 meals a day of solids in addition to nursing. She is only waking up once between 11:30pm and morning (which varies btwn 6:40 and 7:30am). This is a HUGE blessing!!! I am finally getting a few solid chunks of sleep.

I was reflecting the other day at how well Leah is doing. The first 3 months of her life she was a very fussy baby that needed to be held a lot. Though the cat scan showed no ICP (intracranial pressure), one wonders if her happy temperament now is because she has had the surgery or just developmental (the passing of time...getting older, etc). Leah likes attention...sure...but she is just as happy hanging out in her exersaucer or on her playmat. She is a very happy, easy-going baby...all smiles...everyone notices and comments. Whatever the sure is a welcome change! Life is definitely easier with a baby that doesn't need to be held 24/7.


Anonymous said...

She's adorable. My little girl had her first CT scans today. She too has Craniosynostosis and will be doing surgery also soon. My girl will be 5 months in a week. Based on your CT scans, it appears my girl will be similar, if not exactly the same. Question, do you happen to have follow up CT scans to compare with the pre-surgery ones?

Anonymous said...

HI! I ran across your blog when I did a search on craniosynostosis (my 5 year old was born w/ bicoronal cranio). Your little girl is just gorgeous & I love the way you decorated her helmet!