Wow....sorry I haven't updated in awhile! It is unbelievable how fast time is flying now. We are back to living a "normal" life and I was in shock when I realized this past Wednesday that we are now ONE MONTH post op!! I am SO glad surgery is behind us!Leah's scars have completely healed. Obviously you can still see them, but all her stitches are gone now...the last bit came off yesterday.
I have been meaning to post about Leah's post op appts from May 5th and May 6th. Plus, I took pictures of her with both her surgeons at those appts. If I don't get a chance now hopefully I will soon. Leah is napping and once she wakes up I won't be back online for a bit. Then LIFE will swallow us up again. We've had so many other things crop up this past week or two:
1) Our a/c broke a week ago this past Friday. We were blessed to have it attended to and fixed within a few hours by a friend of Ken's from his Bible study!!
2) Our kitchen faucet is leaking (barely a year old) and we discovered it was leaking below the sink. I've called and they are sending a new one free of charge (of course), and Ken will replace it when it gets here. In the meantime, at least he was able to rig it so we could still use it without it leaking. Otherwise, no running water in the kitchen and that really would be a pain.
3) I had an ear infection which never happens and had to fit in a doctor appt for me (in our already busy schedule). It was very painful. And it came after a cold that I had for a few days with full blown symptoms. I felt horrible! I am usually quite healthy.
4) Ken had to fix our slide out trash can cabinet. He's become quite the handyman!
5) A full day we couldn't get our computer to boot up. Thankfully, my mom was able to get it working.....THANKS Mom!!
6) Ken was out of town for 4 days last week and will be traveling again tomorrow for an overnight trip.
7) They called to reschedule Leah's helmet appt. It was supposed to be this coming Thursday May 22 and because they are relocating their office Leah won't get her helmet until Wed. May 28th. We'll be driving to Ft. Lauderdale instead of Hollywood. I was completely bummed about this because the sooner we get her in the helmet, the sooner she gets out. Now we are delayed a full 6 days!
In addition to these things we've had normal life:
The girls finished up their AWANA year and we are finishing up our 2nd year with our Keepers group (similar to Girls Scouts) this Tuesday with our end of the year Tea Party. Sarah will be awarded with the pins (badges) she's earned for the year: candle making, soap making, counted cross stitch, latch hooking, first aid, watercolors, sign language, and a couple more I can't think of at the moment.
We signed Sarah up for a 4 week writing class with a published author. She is enjoying it.
Well Leah is up....I'll post about her appointments soon! Hope all is well with everyone! Drop us a comment if you have the time.