I went to Michael's to get stickers to decorate her helmet. I'll include some pictures of Leah in her new helmet. The stickers came off after a few days even though I used the tip of painting over them with clear nail polish. I have to get some more and redo her helmet.
Everyday Leah gets an hour break from her helmet. I take it off for about 40 minutes sometime in the late afternoon and clean it with alcohol and set it in front of a fan to dry. I make sure to get a lot of snuggle time in with her sweet little noggin during this time. Then at night, Leah gets another 20 minute break while I give her a bath. Leah sure does love her bath time! She seems mesmerized by the water and smiles a lot! Leah is 4 months old in these photos.
Leah right after she got her helmet

Leah happy in her helmet!

Leah in her decorated helmet - she LOVES her thumb!

Denise she looks so cute. I love the helmet just adorable. Julianna will not have to wear one because of the type of surgery. I'm glad she is doing so well. I've been keeping up with y'all I just haven't been commenting. I have you linked on my blog. We are getting closer to her surgery, 3 more weeks for us. I think I will just text you back and forth and you can update on CK for me if you don't mind.
She's beautiful! I love the stickers. :)
Denise, try buying a clear spray paint!!!! That's what I used last time we put stickers on. I put about 5-6 coats on, letting each one dry in between. She looks so cute in her helmet! Her's is a different kind than Kaitlynns, but she still looks sooo cute! Glad all is going well!!!!
Denise, She looks amazing. The stickers are precious. I was constantly changing Sara Grace's helmet to be honest I kinda miss decorating it don't get me wrong I don't miss her wearing it. I love to scrap book but with a 3 yr old and an 11month old it doesn't happen so it was kinda my scrap booking. So glad she is doing well. I know what you mean usually when it rains it pours but with God's help we always get through it.
I'm doing a presentation for a college course about craniostenosis (I had my surgery for it when I was around two months old) and I was hoping to use an image from your blog that shows what the helmets used today look like. It will be a presentation one time for about two dozen students. If you could contact me at karl.ev at gmail.com, that would be excellent. Thank you!
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