Friday, April 11, 2008

Only a few more days.....

I can't believe Leah's surgery is right around the corner! I mean in 3 days we will be driving down to the hospital and in 4 days she'll be in surgery. This day is now much anticipated...not because we want Leah to go through this...but because it means the "wait" will be over. The quarantine will end for the girls the minute we leave on Sunday and they will be able to get back out into public, see friends and their normal lives. The worry of Leah getting sick and having surgery postponed and fretting about every little germ will be over! It also means Leah will be on the road to recovery and we won't have the strain of this surgery hanging over our heads anymore!

I have been told by other "cranio" moms that though handing her over to the surgeon was the hardest thing they'd ever done, that there is also a sense of more worrying, no more waiting. Relief that nothing happened to cancel or postpone the surgery. Knowing it is out of our hands now and turned over to skilled surgeons and ultimately God's hands! Though I dread the pain Leah will experience and the recovery process for her I will be relieved to see her get to the "other side" of this surgery!

The blessings I have experienced these past 2 weeks have been incredible! I am thankful for your prayers and support! I thought for sure the 2 weeks before surgery I would be a basket case. I was surprised to find that it has been the exact opposite! I can feel God's presence and the peace that can only come from Him....a peace that passes all understanding. He has given me comfort, strength and assurance that Leah will be fine! I am amazed that I am so calm and rational. It truly is a miracle.

Now I know it will be hard saying goodbye to my girls on Sunday since it will be 4 days before I see them again...the longest I've ever been apart from them. I also know that I will start to get nervous the night before and especially the morning of surgery. But thankfully I also know that God will be standing right there beside us and we will not be going through this alone. Most importantly God will be with Leah and He will be guiding the hands of the surgeons as He is the Ultimate Physician!!


Lifesong... said...

Praying for you as you go down this road! So thankful that the peace that passes all understanding is over you today.

Anonymous said...

That is such an amazing picture! What a visual to keep in your head of Jesus guiding the surgeon's hands-AWESOME! God is so good!
Thank you for that!
Cape Cod Friend!